One Armed Man Magazine : The Year 2525
Edition 2014. Three texts published in the magazine and at the exposition a multi-media installation called "The Fermi Project". This installation worked with a webcam registering movements of the visitors. Then words would come based on specific directions of movement.
Project IF
A collaboration with Fabrice Dambrin. Jewels and objects made of computer parts and wood. Shown at the exposition "The year 2525" by One Armed Man magazine.
Check out HERE for more information.
One Armed Man Magazine : Pin Up
Foreword for One Armed Man magazine released in July 2013 at Designcenter De Winkelhaak in Antwerp.
Inner House Pin-Up
A collaboration with Sofie Jaspers around the theme pin-up made for the exposition and magazine One Armed Man shown at Designcenter De Winkelhaak in Antwerp (July-August 2013). The photo at the right is made out of 300 numbered little notebooks, each contains a small text which is part of the foreword of the magazine One Armed Man written by me. If you're interested in one of the notebooks (cover by choice) contact me.
"BRAIN" Keen Magazine 2013
Keen is a limited hand-made underground Antwerp based magazine, founded and made by Djuna Keen and Maarten Tibos.
An educational theater piece made by Tom Buytaert and Ine Pieters. Check out the website of IKIKIK
Fashionshow by Harald Ligtvoet @ Kievitskerk Antwerpen 2009
Picture by Ellen Govaerts
Ine has worked as a freelancer for Ghent based street-performance company Teater Exces.
Picture by Marc Venchiarutti @ BIFF 2012
One Graphic designer, an art director, two photographers and a studio. An office full of stuff, a couple of friends and some time for ourselves...
Put all this in the blender...Expression!
A sneak a peak for things to come...
Art direction & vormgeving: Alexander Tolaro
Vormgeving: Nick Mattan
Fotografie: Geoffrey Tolaro & Thomas Van de Water
Post-it model : Ine Pieters
In April 2012 "Fleishbaum" performed with Tim Ceustermans-Deschepper (text) under the name Plastic Bourgeoisie at Den Hopsack in Antwerp.
Stuck in habits, running away in dreams that are dragging you back into them until there's no way out. Worlds fading. Being trapped between reality and imagination.
Written and Directed by Benjamin Van De Water (2009)
Performance "A new Gordian knot"
Made around an art-piece by Tim Ceustermans-Deschepper. This performance brought texts around power in all its facets, while the movements focused on the heavy power of this art-piece made out of metal wires. A sound-scape of metallic breathing noise created an intriguing atmosphere making the audience entering the room.
"Cadavre Exquis"
Performer for the video-installation of Elisa Kint presented at the exposition of the graduates of Graphic Design, Sint-Lucas Antwerp 2007
As a performer, Ine participated in two performances created by Marlies Vanhoucke, a Theater Costume designer. These performances were part of her graduation project at the Royal Academy of Arts in Antwerp.
Shown on different locations throughout Antwerp in 2009
WoordAttack @ WerkHuys Borgerhout
In June 2009, Ine was invited at the monthly event WoordAttack, to give a reading of her own texts.
(picture by Dirk Cornelis)
Concept & production: Sophie Van den Keybus, Geoffrey Tolaro, Thomas Van de Water
Photography: Geoffrey Tolaro, Thomas Van de Water
Costume: Sophie Van den Keybus
Hair and Make-up: Mireille Hoetelmans
Model: Ine Pieters
Post-production: Kaydesign
Location: 't Groen Kwartier Antwerp
By Studio Bolster
"SPACE" Keen Magazine 2011
Text : WOW 6EQJE5
Keen is a limited hand-made underground Antwerp based magazine, founded and made by Djuna Keen and Maarten Tibos.
Q by TheaterLab
A performance with text and movement made by 4 young people.
Played in 2012 at Het Oude Badhuis in Antwerp.
Cille Baisier , Evelien Sips,
Jolien Huyghebaert, Joachim Peeters
Coaching : Ine Pieters
Music : Dan Decalut
An experimental sound - text impression
A collaboration with Dan Decalut who's an experimental soundscape specialist. First gig was during the opening reception of the SPACE Keen magazine issue in November 2011, where FleishBaum performed the published text : WOW 6EQJE5.
A performance with text and movement made by 4 young people.
This performance was selected for the project "Kraak het Cultuurhuis" (2011)
Evelien Sips, Jolien Huyghebaert, Joachim Peeters
Coaching : Ine Pieters